Broad Bean Hummus

Recipe Type: 


This fresh hummus recipe from Shute Fruit and Produce makes the most of your broad bean crop

Source: Shute Fruit and Produce


250 g
broad beans ((podded, but not skinned), lightly cooked)
garlic (large clove, crushed)
1 t
cumin (powedered)
1 bn
chives (snipped)
olive oil


Broad Bean Hummus

In a food processor or blender mix:

250 g broad beans (podded, but not skinned), lightly cooked

            1 large clove garlic, crushed

            1 tsp powdered cumin         

Handful of snipped chives   

Glug of olive oil

            Salt and pepper to taste

Blend all together until smooth, stirring down a few times to incorporate the bean skins.  They will disappear with enough blending.   Taste and adjust flavour and texture:  You may add any of the following:

Juice of half a lemon to sharpen the flavour

Water to thin the texture

Pinch of smoked paprika

Tbsp or two of plain yogurt to lighten the mixture

Spoon into a serving bowl and dust with paprika.  Serve with crudités or pita bread cut into triangles and toasted.

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