Bees | 8 Aug 13 | Beechgrove
Mentions in the factsheets
The Cornish Bee Project
There's also some interesting information on The Cornish Bee Project at at
The Cornish Bee Project
The British bee population has declined at an alarming rate over the last few years - by a third since 2007.
There's also been a massive decline in the number of bee hives in the UK - nearly 75 per cent in the past century.
Cornish Bees
According to Hayle Pump Issue #110: August/September 2013
Well I’ll Bee !
There is to be an urgent review of policy by the Government to protect all pollinators, including butterflies.
Councils will be banned from cutting grass verges in early summer and in the case of developers knocking down buildings, new nesting sites for bees will be put in place.

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