Presentation of the Best Kept Allotment Cup
Allotment BBQ Sunday 18th September 4pm CANCELLED AGAIN!! SORRY!
Hello all - here is a plan for the BBQ on Sunday 18th September from 4pm, which will NOT go ahead because the forecast hasn't materialised and it's way too windy to be fun. Sorry everyone. We might need to rethink this - anyone fancy a night in the pub instead?
Allotment BBQ Sunday 11th September 4pm
Hello all - here is a plan for the BBQ on Sunday 11th September from 4pm, which will be postponed if it is raining or excessively windy, but will go ahead otherwise.
Allotment BBQ POSTPONED due to unsettled weather
There will be an allotment BBQ celebration on Sunday 11th September in the late afternoon - all welcome, please bring some of your produce and your own BBQ / meat.
Over the next few days there will be a plan for the BBQ, but it's pretty much going to be "turn up with things to eat and drink" at aboiut 4pm on Sunday 12th, unless it's raining.
#ff0000;">Please spread the word - I will do some posters etc too.
Please note there will NOT now be a Society meeting on Monday 5th September
Theft of plants from Allotment 2
Sadly someone has been on Allotment 2 and dug up some flowering plants which were coming into bud from the troughs they were being grown in.
It's unbelievable that someone would be so sneaky and criminal for the sake of some plants they could grow themselves if they put the effort in!
Please could everyone try to keep an eye out at the site for people who don't belong there, whilst staying welcoming to visitors! I do hope this doesn't happen again. Sympathy to Jim.
Deadline for entering allotment into Rose and Cabbage Show THIS SATURDAY
This Saturday (9th) is the deadline for BEST KEPT ALLOTMENT entries for the Rose and Cabbage Show (results 23rd July at the Show).
Please enter!
It could be fun if lots of us enter, and you might win! It would be great to support the Rose and Cabbage Show too.
Aimee has lots of entry forms, or you can just email her your name, address and allotment number and she'll pass it on.
May the best weeder win...

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