Submitted by Carol on


Had a recommendation today - Squash - Uchi Kuri - and wondered if anyone else is either currently growing it, or experience of growing it?

I've put a picture in, as it apparently has several names - Uchiki Kuri, Red Onion, Red Kuri, Orange Hokkido, Kabocha and Japanese Pumpkin.  The details come from Otter Farm who also seem interesting and I wondered if anyone has any experience with buying seeds from them?

I grow this variety every year - it has a fabulously sweet, chestnutty taste and waxy texture and the fruit never get too large for easy handling. It also looks wonderful in the garden where it will happily clamber over structures, with the skin of the teardrop-shaped fruits usually turning from bright yellow to red-orange. It's also very productive and keeps well through the winter


Also called: Uchiki Kuri, Red Onion, Red Kuri, Orange Hokkido, Kabocha and Japanese Pumpkin. 
Seed Count: 12