Submitted by Carol on


The legal position

There are two types of allotment site. Those termed as "temporary land" are often privately owned. Plot holders have very few rights, and they can be given 12 months' notice at any time.

Sites designated "statutory land" are usually council-owned and are protected, but councils can apply for the designation to be changed, which opens the way for development.

The council is obliged to offer a replacement site within two miles of the existing site. This is what is going on at Farm Terrace. The council must put their case to the Secretary of State.

The NSALG compiles a neutral report after speaking to both sides, and submits it to the Secretary of State, who makes the final decision.


Apply to become a "Community Asset". Farm Terrace is the first allotment site to have made use of this new designation, and it may offer a further level of protection.