JILL VAUGHAN (jill 'at' delfland.co.uk) sent a message using the contact form at
http://hayleallotments.org.uk/contact see http://hayleallotments.org.uk/comment/36#comment-36
Thank you for your post about our potatoes and garlic. There were problems with the Sarpo seed production this year so we have only got Sarpo Mira and Shona as organic seed and conventional Axona.
We've got small quantities of the trial varieties from Skea~ EM10 which we grew in our garden last year and which has a superb flavour, plus Ama Rosa, Terra Rosa and Karali, which we haven't yet trialled. The two 'Rosa' varieties have red skin and red flesh.
If you are interested in orderering whole trays of veg plants to sell on to your members, please take a look at www.delfland.co.uk and give us a call if you have any questions. Happy Growing! Jill
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