Blooming Hayle - Allotment Society Stall on Sunday 26th June
Hayle Allotment Society will be running a stall on King George's Walk on Sunday 26th June (2-5) at the Hayle in Bloom family celebration day.
The idea is to sell allotment produce and cakes to raise money and awareness of the Society, and to support Hayle in Bloom and generally be community-minded.
Please let Aimee know if you can help or donate allotment produce and/or cakes. So far, I have kind offers of potatoes from Sue and Steve and Nigel, bagged salad from Tina and Jane, cakes and produce from Carole and Joanna, and I have mangetout / sugarsnaps and some courgette and parsley plants.
If people could drop stuff off to Aimee's house on the morning (13 Caroline Row) or bring it along on the day, that would be fabulous. I will probably pop up to the allotments Sunday morning too, so you can hand stuff over if you see me.

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