Carrots develop normally within a great range of temperatures and are grown throughout the world with the exception of the very warmest areas.
Turnips are a quick crop which matures in 6 weeks from sowing seed to harvest. It is therefore worth having in the vegetable plot to fill in gaps between other crops
An easy to grow vegetable that matures quickly with a delicate flavour.
A versatile herb to grow as it has many uses in the kitchen. Parsley is a biennial herb; flowering and developing seeds in its second year.
Curled leaf parsley, which is often used as a garnish, or flat leafed parsley which has a milder taste.
You can grow parsley from plants bought at a garden centre or sow seeds indoors to be planted out or sow seeds direct into a bed. Parsley grows well in containers too, either indoors or outdoors.
Potatoes are very versatile with varieties ideal for boiling, baking, frying and salads.
First Early, Second Early and Maincrop Potatoes
These terms often sound mysterious but they're not really. All the terms refer to is the time it takes from planting to getting a crop. First earlies are usually ready in around ten weeks, second earlies in around 13 weeks and maincrop after about 20 weeks.
Prune | September
Prune summer raspberries now, cutting out fruited canes and tying in the new ones.
Remove yellow foliage from tomatoes. Keep feeding the plants to keep fruits swelling

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