Submitted by Carol on

Found this and thought it was interesting

Which of course leads on to the question, what can be sown now? Its all too easy to stop sowing once the main summer veggies are in the ground, and then regret it come autumn & winter. There are lots of things you should be sowing now, including:

  • Mibuna
  • Mizuna
  • Tatsoi
  • Pak Choi
  • Mispoona
  • Chard & Leaf Beet
  • Fennel
  • Turnips
  • Spring Cabbages
  • Rocket, lettuce and other salads
  • All the mustard greens.

Outdoors, in July & August we sow lots of winter radishes (of which more later), turnips, more chard and leaf beet to make sure we have plenty to see us through the cold weather, and cabbages for spring greens. We make our main sowing of fennel, which will usually last up to Christmas and sometimes beyond, depending on the weather. We also carry on sowing lettuce, rocket and endive to make sure that we have a good supply of salad into the autumn.

