tara.easterling@sky.com's picture
Submitted by tara.easterling... on

Hi Guys,

It's Tara from Plot 20!

This Saturday 6th August @ 2pm, I will be holding a little Jamie @ Home party at the top end of the car park.  There will be on display a large selection of Jamie Oliver Garden and home ware; items that can only be seen through his parties. Lots and lots of lovely items.

They'll be tea and coffee, cakes and cookies and a cheeky veno for those who feel that the weeding is taking it out of them!

I'll also have little gifts and prizes avail.

Come along, have a nosey, or a chat.. or a cuppa, be nice to see you.

Take Care

Tara :)


Thanks to Tara

Just wanted to say thank you to Tara for bringing her party to the allotments on Saturday.  I hadn't actually noticed her post here, so it was a pleasant surprise to be met with so many interesting things and such lovely tea - and carrot and courgette cake was doubly welcome - delicious and a brilliant idea to use up any(!) spare courgettes!
