With the talk about making the cemetery extension a wildflower meadow I noticed this article in the Cornwishman this week http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/Time-trim-wildflower-meadow/story-202349... and wondered if we might be able to get some help from them? or is Hayle in Bloom and Hayle Town Council running with this now?
Time for a trim for wildflower meadow
Thursday, November 28, 2013
NOW in its third year, the wildflower meadow on the bank at Eastern Green has just had its autumnal trim – with much of the work being done by the traditional scythe.
Created by Cormac Solutions under the guidance of area manager Tom Marks, the horticulture team have created an attractive wildflower meadow – an alternative to plain grass and a diverse habit for wildlife.
Wild flower meadow Julian Little (Cornwall Wildlife Trust) at work with a scythe. PZPM20131112A-002_C.JPG
The idea was originally adopted because of the cutbacks in grounds maintenance but it has shown what can be achieved with a bit of careful thought and planning.
Attention through various horticultural TV programmes and articles in magazines has renewed an interest in this type of planting, which is also endorsed by Cornwall Council and other organisations like the RHS and Cornwall
In the spring, volunteers from CWT worked with Cormac to remove large dominant weeds and replant with yellow rattle.
This plant, also known as the 'meadow maker's helper', reduces the vigour of meadow grasses – its roots locking on and draining the life out of them.
A spokesman for Cormac said: "Creating this wildflower meadow in Penzance has provided a naturalised area, which attracts butterflies and bees, and provides food for birds and small mammals.
"Flowering species and seed heads not only offer a source of food for wildlife but also add a changing palette of colour and continual movement from the long grasses swaying in the sea breezes throughout the seasons."
Interesting suggestion in the article that the Yellow Rattle was the key?
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