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Popular varieties

  • Swede Marion
    Rely on Marian to produce a heavy crop of splendidly flavoured, finely textured globe roots which are resistant to both clubroot and mildew. A great but undervalued autumn and winter vegetable, swede is delicious mashed with carrot or diced in hearty stews and casseroles. * Disease resistant

  • Swede Invitation
    Resistance to Clubroot and Powdery Mildew ensures Invitation will out-perform other susceptible varieties. Plus its high dry matter content gives it improved winter hardiness.

Start them in trays like all brassicas, then into 3inch pots. When big enough dig hole and plant them

If you want them for late season and for winter you need to sow around end of May-June.


Swedes are rich in vitamin A and, like many root vegetables, are a good source of minerals.