Submitted by Aimee on


Hayle Allotment Society Meeting 9th September 2012

Time: 8 pm

Venue:  Bucket of Blood Pub

Present:  Aimee, Carole M (!!!!!!! YES THAT WAS IT!)

Apologies:  Joanna, Wendy and Melvyn, Tina

1.    Financial report – We have spent £100 on new heavy duty strimmer. Further financial update not available atow.


2.    Rose and Cabbage Show – The Rose and Cabbage Society are considering abandoning their annual show because of lack of interest. The Allotment Society tried to assist for the last two years (many thanks to Carole M, Joanna, Simon A, Aimee and Matt)  but we do not have enough interested people in the Society who have enough spare time to take on the event in its current format and we feel that the effort involved is disproportionate to the benefit to the showers and visitors (only about 150 people). We could perhaps run a scaled down, less formal show, eg one morning at Phillack Church Hall, just veg and fruit, perhaps keeping the Rose and Cabbage name going. We will wait and see what the Rose and Cabbage Society decides.



3.    Jubilee Event at King George’s Walk  (+£32) – This was a big success, thanks to Joanna and Aimee, it would be great if more people from the Society could get involved next year.


4.    Strimmers update + plan  - We now have 2 strimmers – a lightweight, short running rechargeable battery operated one and a heavy duty petrol one. Allotment Society members can use the lightweight one for free (charge it at home yourself). The petrol one costs a minimum £1 donation from members towards petrol and oil, this may need to be reviewed if we don’t cover the costs. If you end up using a lot of petrol please consider making a larger donation.  Matt () is available to show you how to use the petrol strimmer. Please wear protective gear such as heavy footwear and helmets and eye protection (we can supply safety glasses). Use of the strimmers is at members’ own risk. The petrol strimmer is heavy and you may need some physical strength to manage it.



5.    Noticeboard update – We now have a lovely noticeboard from the Council. Aimee () has the key. Please contact her if you wish to add a notice.


6.    Wildflowers – The wildflower area doesn’t look that great. Aimee is going to buy some weedkiller and try to attack the thistles. Will find out how much money we have got and get a proper sprayer for Society use generally. If anyone has seeds or wildflower plants they can add, please do. Could we put some shrubs there?



7.    Seed order – Planning a seed order before Christmas, from Dobies’, contact Aimee if you are interested.


8.    Ideas for what the Society should be doing? AOB: Trying to get a grant for plot 13, Aimee to work on this over the winter. Possible approach to County Councillors? Coop?

