Submitted by Carol on

So excited to have an allotment - now just have to figure out how best to get started!


Been looking at various advice sites and found this helpful advice for March


There is still plenty of time to get your raspberry canes and other fruit plants in the ground ready of an abundant crop in the summer.

Finish the odd jobs in the vegetable garden, and get you fleece pegged over the ground. Fleecing the ground a week or sow before planting, will raise the soil temperature a little making a big difference.

Lift the last of your leeks. Lift them carefully , use a fork to loosen the soil around the necks. If you can’t use them all straight away, freeze them and use them in soups and stews later.

Weather permitting, you can begin to plant your onion and shallot sets.

Order your seeds.

It is also time to start thinking about asparagus. If you are growing asparagus from crowns you can start to get the bed ready.
Its time to get sowing! Get your beet, broad beans, early Brussels sprouts, leeks, radish parsnips, spinach beets and early Turnip seeds together and begin to sow them directly in your vegetable beds. Mark out small drills for each crop water well, seed and cover over with a little soil. As they begin to emerge thin to desired spacings.

Start early peas off in the greenhouse. Sow them into guttering and slide them out into trenches once established.

Its time to get out your windowsill or greenhouse propagators out of storage and start sowing tomatoes, peppers, aubergines and cucumber.

Get an early summer crop of strawberries, by planting the runners in hanging baskets in your heated greenhouse.
Get your early potatoes started in potato bags or in a compost bag. Gradually cover over the plants as they grow until they reach the top of the bag.

Get your Jerusalem Artichokes planted. Choose a sunny location, prepare the soil with plenty of manure before planting and top up by mulching in the winter.

Start your early cabbages, cauliflowers and carrots off under cloches. For the best results put the cloches in place a few weeks before to warm the soil. Seedlings started off in modules in the greenhouse will also benefit from being planted out under cloches.